
  • Protcom
    27th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Try something

    Make a save all about "PLEASE LEAVE A LIKE" and other one all about "PLEASE DISLIKE THIS SAVE" and see what save will have the high number of votes


    I tried the second one and I have got maybe 3 downvotes in 10-20 minutes I think

    @MiningMarsh (View Post)

    If someone you hate apply any wish that you have are you going to ask him apply a wish (sorry I don't know what should I edit "apply" to)

  • Sylvi
    27th May 2014 Moderator 4 Permalink

    In my opinion, I think getting rid of down votes altogether is the best solution. Generally I don't see much of a valid reason in down votes. They do not help catch people stealing saves, help create new ideas, or even critique current saves.


    It's essentially saying "NO" to something and walking away. You're not evaluating anything. You're simply giving up on helping them fix it. Imagine an election with up votes and down votes. It's not something that will go smoothly.


    tl;dr I don't think down votes should exist. They're not worth the hassle.

  • xetalim
    27th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)

    Well well well, I have to agree with you.

  • Schicko
    27th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)

     I also agree with this, but as well, I propose a better FP selection system be put in place. This is because, if your suggestion of no downvotes is put in place, it would be impossible to get crappy saves off of frontpage once they're on (and we've had quite a few lately).


    An idea I have is to implement a system where an automatically updated forum poll with recent high vote-saves which is reset on a regular basis. On this poll, forum users can vote on which candidate save they think should get frontpaged. This would make it harder to a save frontpaged and also ensure that FP saves are definitiely worthy and liked by not just one user. Just an idea though, there are probably better ones...


    tl;dr - Make a better front page selection system.

  • JamesB
    27th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)

     Good idea, I think that is the best suggestion by far- it would also mean that those who dislike just because they find unpleasantness funny would have to expose themselves if they wanted to continue by using comments. The dislike system is flawed as it allows people to hide behing a veil of anonymity, but it would be equally flawed if that were not the case- the ideal solution is just to get rid of it.

    It is however a shame that some people cannot be trusted to use it properly which spoils it for everyone else.

  • Protcom
    27th May 2014 Member 1 Permalink

    @Schicko (View Post)



    Likes \ Viewers



    Note: I put everything inside an image so I won't be a person who spam/troll maybe you won't understand


    And what that will do is it will take the delay between each time someone upvoted until the fourth one then it will take the average of it and make another average with the average of the delay between the last 4 upvotes to make sure that the final number will be up to date and everyone will get what should he deserve


    The first method is simple and the second one is too advanced and hard

  • KydonShadow
    27th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)

    It is a good idea. But how would you then get saves off FP? Im talking mainly about ones where 2 people were like "WHOA" and no one else thinks the same.

  • dom2mom
    27th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Maybe we could put the FP system back to what is was before, when you needed like 3-5 likes in short time span to get FP.

  • NF
    27th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    @dom2mom (View Post)

     That was so 2012 lol. But its a good suggestion! don't, get me wrong.

  • mecha-man
    27th May 2014 Member 0 Permalink

    Instead of completely removing the downvotes, how about not alowing them to go into the negatives.