A way to turn that situation to your advantage would be to make one of the duties of a judge to scout for one or two saves to fit each category; or even have a scouting group for those who apply for the judiciary but do not qualify. On that subject may I ask what are the grounds for qualification?
Good idea, I will surely make sure that the judges search for some saves.
For judges, I think someone with many FP saves has a higher chance of being a judge than someone with none.
Done. I didn't really know what category to put it under before.
I put it under Vessels. A Submarine isn't necessarily a ship, but this works.
wow! I thought there would be more activity. has anyone done a save page for this?
Lua Scripts:
cracker64's Lua script manager
Nobody905's mod (doesn't seem to have an official name though)
RadioActiveLua's RadioActive Mod