@agent420(View Post) Weird ... I couldn't reproduce it, but toggling gravity really fast does freeze it for a while until it can calculate everything. My phone uses a similar CPU so not sure if that is the problem again.
I will modify it to not turn newtonian gravity on after a crash. It's probably saved to powder.pref to use it. Or maybe in tabs/. If you have a file browser app you can try going to "/sdcard/Android/data/uk.co.powdertoy/files" and deleting powder.pref, and/or the tabs/ folder if that exists
@agent420(View Post) You might have to go into settings and "clear data" for the app, actually.
The next version will actually make newtonian gravity opt-in. So you can have it on if you want, and it will be easier for me to tell whether people who report crashes are having it caused by newtonian gravity or not.
Edit: question, what type of crash is it? Is it a tpt bluescreen? Or is it android telling you that it crashed.