I don't know if there is a thread devoted to pens, so I'll put this idea here. Could we have different pen shapes (really only a square would be appreciated) that can be re-sized as well? Also different dispersions of particles whilst drawing, ie. Like it places particles every second horizontal or vertical pixel (to draw wires) and a checkerboard pattern.
Lolzy well you could still use the original pixelated circle pen if you wanted... I dont know about the other PT users, but having a way of making multiple wires at once would make a huge help to making electronics...
Well , i can't think of any new Elements but my opinion is that Fire needs a redesign.
On the water description it says that it puts out fires , instead if you pour it on something that is burning you will make the fire go through the water and appear above it or sideways thus expanding the fire . Same with the Poweders they will not stop the Fire they will just make it " go to the surface" like it would be some kind of floating powder in water. Change its density or something.
Took a closer look , fire sometimes keeps going even in the whole place is covered with water , but it will extinguish it at a point , but the "flames" will still go through the water like its nothing. Maybe it should transform to smoke or WTRV at least.