Well that doesn't really do anything to fix the problem... :/. How about having a button specifically for saves that are on fp? Keep the current system, no downvotes, but saves on FP will be kicked off if there are a certain amount of votes in a certain time span to kick it off. So one or two trolls mean nothing, but legitimate opinions can clean up FP.
Surely though that is the function of the report system, and how would you decide what the threshold is for the removal of a save. The system you propose is a little overcomplicated and would be hard to keep working as there would be false positives etc. I do see the logic though- but it sounds better in theory than in practice.
Well you can't report a save for not deserving FP.... what people are seeing a problem with removing downvotes is that you can't get bad saves off FP. I was just thinking of something like an invisible downvote for FP, just so that bad saves that get on FP (happens all the time) get off immediatly like they do now. I might not work, but it's somethign to start off of.
Another idea that could go with the no downvote concept is making newer FP saves easily replaced if it doesn't get a certain amount of votes in a certain time period. That way, crappy FP saves don't stay on if unvoted for a bit as the initial vote would be considered a fluke (as only one person likes it). The more likes a FP save has, the less likely it will be replaced. It's like with starting memes, they either go viral or get ignored.
Edit: Another idea that would tie in well with this too is having different tiers in the front page, with lower tier saves more easily fluctuating and higher tiers more stable, staying longer and getting replaced less. Saves have to get a certain amount of likes to advance tiers and if left unliked can drop off/be replaced, etc.
I actually like that idea a lot....
So do I...
But its your idea.
But then again, upvoting is essentially saying "YES" and walking away. You are not actually telling the creator why you liked their save, so their future creations might totally miss the mark.
Why allow someone to express their positive opinion on something if you are going to say no to negative opinions? If you are going to remove downvotes, there is no argument not to remove upvotes.