Five requests for item registration or buying something? You do not need to register items! I said to register shop threads, not items. When a user buys an item, they send me a form to make the transaction. Seller does nothing but have a thread and do whatever.
We are still offering a service for anyone needing help with electronics for a fair price based upon the task, this can be helping with a project or custom orders!
It would be great if this could be on your website lockheedmartin!
A list of all the things that are up for sale on the market on a website would be great and it would make it so much easier to Buy/Sell. Anyway to cut a long story short I think this whole operation should move away from the forums and more over to the website. (which is being updated yay!) With the whole Buying/Selling being done automatically on the external website.
EDIT: Also I think you should choose points or credits using both is silly.