This place is for shops and people giving services from Bank of Powder Toy. You may post ads for services and etc. Similar to a classifieds ad section on a newspaper. To actually have services for credits you must have a Personal (Sell up to 20 times a month) or Business account (Unlimited Selling). Format for posting: {Service/Item Name} If you have a group/business registered, add it here. Price Qty Each transaction for buying must be made through me. Thus the invoice is sent to the person and the transaction is made; Plus balances updated. For forms of different types you may check here: Post Away! *** If you want to buy an item message me.*** I make the transactions happen, plus you will need an account from "Bank of Powder Toy" if you want to buy or sell. ***YOU DO NOT NEED TO REGISTER AN ITEM TO SELL, BUYERS WILL SEND A MESSAGE WHEN THEY SEE THE AD!