a list of known bugs- 1 the wall which only allows liquids is not working properly and the liquid cathes fire ( 2 still the full and half screen mode is not working on windows it blocks out whole screen we have to delete the whole game and then install it once again to get into origional size 3 favourites cannot be deleted these are few bugs i know in powdertoy
@Simon(View Post) we need better color picker we need decor zoom we need ability to enter RGB code we need ability to pick color from drawing we need ability to pick color from particle
@rodo(View Post) Liquid wall works fine for me. Can you provide an example save?
@mniip(View Post) There is decor zoom, and you can pick colour using middle/alt click. Can you give more details on what you want when you say "better color picker"?
Known bugs: ANAR piles up inside WHOL Trying to erase decoration just makes it black Can't change brush shape in decoration editor Thumbnails go blank while hovering the mouse over them to enlarge them Favourites