Version 50 beta feedback

  • Demoman200
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
  • limelier
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I'm still so inpatient..
  • dukenukem23
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Thumbnails are of lower quality now, fluid in a u pipe does not level and not many extra changes.
  • me4502
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I fixed the deco layer erase bug :D

    void create_decorations(int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int r, int g, int b)
    int i,j,rp;
    if (rx==0 && ry==0)
    rp = pmap[y][x];
    if ((rp>>PS)>=NPART || !rp)
    if(r==0 && g==0 && b==0){
    parts[rp>>PS].dcolour = ptypes[rp>>PS].pcolors;
    } else {
    parts[rp>>PS].dcolour = ((255<<24)|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|b);<br /> }
    for (j=-ry; j<=ry; j++)<br /> for (i=-rx; i<=rx; i++)<br /> if(y+j>=0 && x+i>=0 && x+i if ((CURRENT_BRUSH==CIRCLE_BRUSH && (pow(i,2))/(pow(rx,2))+(pow(j,2))/(pow(ry,2))<=1)||(CURRENT_BRUSH==SQUARE_BRUSH&&i*j<=ry*rx)){<br /> rp = pmap[y+j][x+i];
    if ((rp>>PS)>=NPART || !rp)
    if(r==0 && g==0 && b==0){
    parts[rp>>PS].dcolour = ptypes[rp>>PS].pcolors;
    } else {
    parts[rp>>PS].dcolour = ((255<<24)|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|b);<br /> }

    replace the PS's with 8 and replace create_decorations with this

    Reported as last one was ignored
  • me4502
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
  • Macapple
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Try to see the SOAP in Heat display,isn't it strange? Ah and what does Newtonian Gravity do?
  • CAC-Boomerang
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Macapple (View Post)

    Newtonian Gravity pushes things away from it or towards it, depending whether you use WHOL or BHOL, without, however, using air pressure.
  • Macapple
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Aw,Ok :D So can i create something like planet orbits?
  • CAC-Boomerang
    21st May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I suppose you could, but remember Newt. Gravity pushes/pulls things towards/away from it, not to be confused with centrifugal and centripital forces, which have to do with that, so unfortunately no :/. However, I did see a save some time ago that had a few particles that rotated around each other, but that didn't use Newt. Gravity, and it probably used WHOL with the gravity setting on "radial".
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