It got cancelled for a few reasons a couple years ago, the inability of incompatible computers to tell if a PNG is animated or not because the extra frames were added to the initial PNG frame as chunks, so an APNG on anything incompatible just shows up as a static image is the main reason from what I remember.
APNG graphic - wiki media
edit: Will a mod set that as in in-line image because the img tag doesn't seem to want to work for me x.x'
edit2: sourceforge to the rescue! save as GIF and use GIF2aPNG
antb Went to that site, thanks for the link, but it looks like it's only supported by Firefox. A good percentage of our users use Chrome or IE, so I don't think that would be a viable option. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but it won't gain quality if it's already converted into a gif, right?
And I agree with Simon, a banner ad is what I was thinking of when I made it.
Seeing as i have taken over the wiki (in place of triclops not by force) then when the competition ends i will decide. If something comes up for the logo then I will use that and the current logo will be used as a banner for it.