I am starting a logo contest for the powder toy wiki, all you have to do is the following: 1.)logo has to be no bigger then 600 pixels wide and 75 pixels in height 2.)Must Include a easily visible "The Powder Toy" text 3.)Must be creative and have a transparent background so as not to clash with the site colors (the site colors will change to match the logo's colors)
The winner will get his name on the wiki front page credited with the logo design.
I did some quick designs. None of them are quite finished yet, but I'd just like some feedback. Some of them are hard to see with the transparent background, so I have included the logo with a black one.
Maybe a combination of all three? I'm also looking at
Here are my entries. Created entirely in TPT. Note that these are just mock-ups at the moment so I haven't made the image transparent yet...etc. If any of them are any good, I can create individual images with transparency, which is sized correctly and possibly with different elements or walls used.