I found one error in version 53.3 If you have on newtonian gravity gpmp and bhol works. But if you turn off newtonian ant turn it on it dont do anything.
@TheWiseEyes(View Post) @gamax92(View Post) FFTW is a fast Fourier transform library, which lets Newtonian gravity update faster. The most time consuming part of updating Newtonian gravity is now the bilinear interpolation (to get full resolution velocity maps for things like gravity lensing).
Using FFTs is a lot faster for big blocks of WHOL/BHOL/GPMP, and means that saves relying on rapid switching of GPMP (such as railguns) should work better, particularly if large quantities of GPMP are used.
As an example, try flood filling the screen with BHOL and seeing how long Newtonian gravity takes to update. It's several hundred times faster when using FFTs.
@me4502(View Post) If you don't want to use it in your mod, it's very easy to disable. Remove -lfftw3f and -DGRAVFFT from the Makefile.
@Darth-Mewtwo(View Post) Only one particle gets saved per pixel. So if there is a neutron in some glass, only the glass gets saved. The neutron will disappear. If this isn't the problem, can you post a screenshot of the glitch (before and after copypasting)?