I dont see any topic like this to answer me, then I started this to question you how to put elements in a mod, I started the powder toy in the mod, but i dont know how to put elements on it...
I dont know if I'm doing all right .-.
I do everything the wiki tells, but when go test, a error appear, but I see in one of the places who the wiki telled to download a file who when be opened appears the powder toy .-.
Please be more specific, and use proper grammar such that you are understandable. I'm having trouble understanding your problem and you've provided little details on this error and what you're trying to do. However, by the sounds of it you're trying to program in C. Not easy.
I dont know if I compiled, I do everything the wiki page telled, but when I click the green arrow, appear an error, but not the same of the image from the wiki, after that I copyed the things who have to copy and paste, like tell in the wiki, but continue having the error, when I see the progress at down, at everything who appear, appear a error .-.
@francisco25(View Post) What do you use? Visual Studio ++ or CodeBlock? *Prepares for Pilojo to hate on VC++* Because for Visual Studio ++, there an already set project somewhere that cracker made