Binary to Number converter

  • BloodLust
    13th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Does any1 have a converter for binary to normal numbers?

    i was going to redesign a past project with some of the newer elements but id like to finish the project with a converter

    it would only need to convert 0-9
  • The-Con
    13th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Here is something that may help you (I made it a while ago).
  • BloodLust
    13th Sep 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    yea...not entirely sure how to work all of the parts in that but this is what i wanted to use it on

    i basically wanted to have it so it could scan the barcodes and actually tell what value it contained

    EDIT: rly EXACTLY what i need is a sort of revers rom so that a combination of inputs results in a single output

    prefferably changeable tho not required