I got a wierd Message on my save instead of showing my save it had a message saying Something about me being a new user (I am) or that it was Invalid And i Use PWDER toy beta Anyone know why its like that?
@Jackeea(View Post) ehh....Im pretty sure its just cause i joined yesturday butit would really be nice to know. And BETA IS EEEPPPPIIIICC the regular dosnt have as many epic stuff.
@Lockheedmartin(View Post) But ive seen people upload things from beta PS.It was uploaded it just doesnt show the image of my Upload..
@deadweight00(View Post) There are no restrictions for new members. Also, you have been very cryptic with you problem. Please use proper grammar/spelling/punctuation when typing. Please post the actual message. It is more than likely that you tried to save from the Beta. If you are a new user it is better for you to get used to the stable version first, anyway.