If you dont know how to compile it how can you be sure what you edited in the code? lol
Get mingw, and perhaps a free ide then compile it. Batch, i dont think so, makefiles perhaps, but those are not always compatible, and you will need some knowledge to make it work. Read a few tutorials, practice, etc.
Also if you feel you are up to the job read my post here: compiling in mingw
this should help you set up the compiler parameters and stuff.
I could not work out how to compile in windows, however I suggest MinGW is the way to go. However simon has said he uses the Microsoft C Compiler or something.
I use linux to compile my editations of The Powder Toy
Building with Microsoft Visual Studio is not rocket science but may well be considered challenging if you've never done it before. You need to download the source code for both libsdl (+ its dev libs) and libbzip2, compile the latter yourself because I could not find any development libraries by them, and set up Visual Studio to include everything the right way. Then it's stilling missing a preprocessor definition (define it!) and you may not be able to figure out that you still need to link to a Windows library by yourself (socket stuff).
If that's too troublesome for you, I've done most of the work and uploaded my development tree for you: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DAVB4M5T I hope it works that way. If you want to get serious you might have to recompile bzip2 as Release instead of Debug, same for the main tpt project.