Hey can someone please compile this for me in windows format: http://ifile.it/9wjo3lh i have tried sooooo many times to compile it and i dont have the skill This is my first mod and i reallly want to see it work soo can someone please, please, please compile it for me thanx
umm have you changed anything else than in powder.h and interface.h? so i don't have to look at each file and shouldn't lastic melt at higher degrees? it will most likely melt when u place
ummm ive added the elements into powder.h and the catagory into interface.h and added the other little bit into powder.c , other than that, ummm thats it lol and thanks for the temperature plastic bit
can u tell me where in powder.c u made changes? and how i mentioned the array thing i'd say just remove the elements that go past the part that goes down on the right since they don't get compared
ummm just after there is a little script on CLNE just after it there is a small script in the wiki that you have to paste for every new element and change the name part in the little script to: (whatever the name of the element is.eg HYGN)