Oh no! Seriously? That many errors?

  • tommig
    25th Oct 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I'm back to mooding, and I set everything up, compile, and I'm given the longest set of error I've ever seen!
    Starting with this:
    1>facialturd-the-powder-toy-08009eb\src\powder.c(2616): error C2036: 'void *' : unknown size
    1>facialturd-the-powder-toy-08009eb\src\powder.c(2618): error C2036: 'void *' : unknown size
    1>facialturd-the-powder-toy-08009eb\src\powder.c(2620): error C2036: 'void *' : unknown size

    Second one:
    1>facialturd-the-powder-toy-08009eb\src\misc.c(166): error C2065: 'f' : undeclared identifier
    1>facialturd-the-powder-toy-08009eb\src\misc.c(167): error C2065: 'f' : undeclared identifier
    1>facialturd-the-powder-toy-08009eb\src\misc.c(169): error C2065: 'f' : undeclared identifier
    1>facialturd-the-powder-toy-08009eb\src\misc.c(170): error C2065: 'f' : undeclared identifier

    Third one (and enough for now):
    1>facialturd-the-powder-toy-08009eb\src\graphics.c(3458): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'type'
    1>facialturd-the-powder-toy-08009eb\src\graphics.c(3459): error C2065: 'div_n' : undeclared identifier
    1>facialturd-the-powder-toy-08009eb\src\graphics.c(3460): error C2065: 'div_n' : undeclared identifier
    1>facialturd-the-powder-toy-08009eb\src\graphics.c(3461): error C2065: 'div_n' : undeclared identifier

    Someone smart, please help!
  • pilojo
    25th Oct 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Well, I see that you are using Visual Studio, in which case I cannot help as it's never worked for me. Use code::blocks.
  • abczyx123987
    25th Oct 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    For the first three errors, try changing (void*) to (unsigned long) . (it should work the same)

    For the next three, move line 166 (FILE *f = fopen("powder.pref", "wb");) so that it's right below line 124 (cJSON *root, ...) .

    For the last four, move line 3458 (float div_n = ...) below line 3452 (for (newx = 1; ...).

    That should take care of those problems.
  • Simon
    25th Oct 2011 Administrator 0 Permalink
    The code isn't always MSVC compatible, but the errors you have just mentioned have been fixed and are on git now.
  • tommig
    25th Oct 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Simon (View Post)
    Well, that worked!

    One last thing, as I run in Debug mode, whenever I compile I get a little error message
    "Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'bc' is being used without being initialized."
    It rediredts me to main.c 2594

    It's not a problem, just annoying!
  • abczyx123987
    25th Oct 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Simon (View Post)

    Could you also fix the void* problem in luaconsole.c? It should be around lines 536, 538, 560, and 562.
