cctv! Make a metl that only melts at about 8500-9500 (quite literaly) melting at any point between those 2. Also make Carbon. An Element that turns into DMND under 200+ Pressure and 9000 Temp. Make sure it doesn't turn back from DMND to CARB
@ads999(View Post) 0_o I'm rejecting carbon, but accepting a metal that melts at over nyan thousand. I'm currently trying to fix SMKE - turning into either HC or CO is tricky.
@tommig(View Post) Turning something to CO2 is incredibly simple. if (parts[i].life == 1) { part_change_type(i,x,y,PT_CO2); parts[i].life = 240; } I've just improvised that from my current SMKE code. Should work. ^_^
Attempting to compile latest github and start the transfer of elements onto it.