star400040's Mod

  • star400040
    10th Dec 2011 Member 2 Permalink
    Well I am releasing a beta of my mod, and I know it is not based on the latest source, I am still working on updating it. I created a few new elements and added some functions to some existing ones. I am trying to make something chemistryish I guess, but other interesting elements are welcome as well. I am open to any and all suggestions, tips, and assistance, especially because I am new at modding.

    New Elements:

    MTHN: Methane Gas, Explodes in contact with fire, turns into LMTH if cooled.
    LMTH: Liquid Methane, Very cold liquid, turns into MTHN when heated.
    ClO2: Chlorine Dioxide, Kills stickman, will quickly oxidize various metal elements such as IRON, will also distill water.
    GRPH: Graphite, soft solid form of carbon, will turn into DMND under extreme pressure.
    SULF: Sulfur Powder, Dust that melts into LSLF and creates blue flames when burned.
    LSLF: Liquid Sulfur, Dark red hot liquid, cools into SULF and burns blue flames.
    SLFS: Solid form of Sulfur Powder.
    MGNS: Magnesium, Reacts violently with oxygen and water, burns hot white flames.
    MGNP: Powder form of Magnesium, Very light floats on liquids.
    CURM: Curium, Nuclear element that creates Electrons and Plutonium when in contact with Neutrons.
    EINS: Einsteinium, Nuclear element that creates Curium when in contact with Neutrons, very destructive.
    BSHL: Bomb Shell, Able to withstand temp, only destroyed by pressure.

    Changes to Previous Elements:

    HYGN: Now turns into NBLE under very extreme temps.
    INSL: Is now Indestructible.  

    Download Link:
    Windows: Version 0.51 is out now!

  • egezort
    10th Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    does not work on my computer
  • cctv
    10th Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    (sorry for evasion, Simon, but I think this needs posting)
    @star400040 (View Post)
    You are missing MSVCR100.dll.
    You should add it to the build folder. You should be able to find a download for it on Google.

    Would it be possible for you to post the source and build seperately? Downloading a 14mb file just to get the mod isn't exactly practical...

    Again, sorry Simon, but this post helps the author of the thread.
    Also, as usual, I won't login again 'till my ban's up.
  • bbcdude88
    10th Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    This helps me to sleep, so don't ban me. This also needs posting. Cctvdude99 gets banned, evades, and his alternate account stay free, but my gets permaed if I evade. Why. It's unfair. You should ban cctv user too.
  • Plasmoid
    10th Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    You should add some weird elements like Metallic Hydrogen (MHYD),Zinc Sulfide a powder found in old TVs (PHOS).
  • CAC-Boomerang
    10th Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @bbcdude88 (View Post)

    He's posting a useful comment, and he understands his ban and will responsibly log out until the ban is over.

    Other ban evaders will hate their ban believing they're innocent and will evade of the hope of not getting caught.
  • jacob1
    10th Dec 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    @cctv (View Post)
    My mod was missing that dll too, I think it must come when you install visual studio or something, and so only people that have it installed already have that dll.

    @star400040 (View Post)
    You should also delete the release folder from the zip file when you upload the source. It takes up a lot of space and is remade when the code is compiled again.
  • star400040
    10th Dec 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Thank you all I will fix these issues right away. 

    So which files do I need to include with the build files in order to separate it from the source files? Which folders/files should I move to a different download?

    Also any suggestions for elements if you can briefly give an idea of properties you would like to see that would be great too :)

    I removed the release folder making the file slightly smller although it still is 10mb