I want a zip file containing all the needed libraries (DLLs) and .c and .h files etc for codeblocks compiling of TPT. While https://powdertoy.co.uk/Wiki/W/Codeblocks_setup.html has instructions on doing it, it never worked when I tried it. Contrast that with this other program http://the-nd.com/develop/nD_SDK_v0.50.exe (which is actually source code for a sample game for an up and coming "indie" handheld game console called the "nD" which won't have license agreements and copyright like Nintendo Gameboy and DS) where they have released the source code complete with a working codeblocks/mingw installation and all needed libraries and .c and .h files in a self-extracting 7zip file. Just run the exe file (actually a self-extracting 7z file) to extract its contents to c:\codeblocks and run codeblocks.exe and open the project file and build and run the project. It works "right out of the box"!
Someone at the TPT should also release a "ready to compile" package (think zip file or something like that) for TPT complete with all sourcecode, libraries, and a working installation of codeblocks/mingw.
I don't understand. You want archived to .zip Code::Blocks?
I want a zip archive that contains a tested and known-working set of files for compiling TPT via codeblocks. This zip package should contain in all the proper folders:
Codebocks files Mingw files TPT sourcecode all needed libraries
All I should need to do to compile it would be to run codeblocks.exe, open TPT project file, and select "build project" from the menu. No downloading extra libraries from various websites, no having to configure Windows "environment" variables, no crap. Just a simple and strait forward thing that would be ready to compile and run "right out of the box".
Here, try this: http://minus.com/mGMfSHVOt (I've added this to the wiki, too, in case anyone else can't be bothered to follow all of those steps) It should work. (assuming you have MinGW installed and configured correctly) I'm not including MinGW with it because then you'd have to download nearly 200 MB of stuff. And then it probably wouldn't work because of the environment variables thing.