I want to make a pixel add pressure to the 4x4 pixel block that it is in, but only do so under certain circumstances (sort of like VENT but with conditional if-then statements that govern its behavior). How do I control pressure values using Lua? Is it possible yet, or has this not been added to Lua in TPT?
If it is possible, then I would be able to design my own explosives.
Reading air pressure/velocity values hasn't been added yet.
Then tell me how can we have signs that shows the pressure ? That means that the code to get the pressure is already all made, you just need to make a lua fonction for it, which is terribly easy
@MasterMind555(View Post) Signs have nothing to do with Lua. Yes it's easy, but no-one has bothered to do it yet (maybe because it's so easy, therefore boring, therefore easy to forgot about).
Wait how does "Yes, reading will probably be added at some point." work with Mastermind's comment "tpt.setPressure(x,y) = tpt.getPressure(x,y) + 50.0f"? And what's the difference between tpt.getPressure and tpt.get_pressure? Can someone explain this discrepency?
Is tpt.getPressure the internal C code that TPT uses to get the pressure data for the sign? Also would it be possible in the future for the developers to have TPT's pressure reading signs log their data to a file name (specify what variable you want it to read, and then specify the file name to record it to)? That would let one perform their own science lab "experiments" in TPT.