Raising the Max

  • billion57
    19th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    Is there any way to raise the maximum temperature and pressure in TPT? For just the time I'm playing?
  • ClaymoreTF2
    19th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @billion57 (View Post)
    Max Temp is +inf  Lowest is -nan
    They got founded by some user mixed Neutrons with something else and maked BIG i am mean BIG pressure explosion and neutrons actually managed to get that temperature. If you are about the code, I don't remember but look out for 
    temp. in source.

    EDIT: Actually you cant raise temp more than +inf and lower sub -nan.
  • vanquish349
    19th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @billion57 (View Post)
    should be in define.h
  • billion57
    19th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    Is there any LUA CONSOLE function?
  • pilojo
    19th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
  • billion57
    19th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    So can I do it at all? And still play (hopefully without having to compile) it?
  • boxmein
    19th Mar 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    1. Get the source code link
    2. Compile the source code successfully. link
    3. Go to includes/defines.h

    line 36, #define M_GRAV 6.67300e-1 // Edit this to change max gravity.
    line 50, #define XRES 612 // Edit this to change the width of TPT's play area.
    line 51, #define YRES 384 // Edit this to change the height of TPT's play area.
    line 69, #define CELL 4 // Edit this to change the wall block's size(currently 4x4 = CELL*CELL)

    -----Sorry, could not find min heat or max heat, though my very own mod has max lifted to 100 000 and min lowered to -10000, anyways...
    The last three variables make a considerable downfall in speed.
  • billion57
    19th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    "-----Sorry, could not find min heat or max heat"
    Thank you, so much help.
  • The-Fall
    19th Mar 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    How close is tpt's temp limit to reaching the int value maximum, which depends on its int type; (Signed, unsigned, long,long long, unsigned long, signed long, unsigned long long, signed long long, short, unsigned short) And Which is it in TPT?
  • jacob1
    19th Mar 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    The maximum temperature is in powder.h, and there is no way to change it without recompiling the whole source.

    @The-Fall (View Post)
    temperature is stored as a float, not an int, and so there is a lot of room before the maximum temperature limit would be reached.