I was recently experimenting with a circular particle accelerator to simulate the universe forming, when I realised that I had accidently messed up by placing another patch of SING. A mass of fusion started in the center, and I decided to just let it run and see what happens. After I few minutes of watching, I realised that an ever-expanding patch of Molten BMTL was forming in the center. I had none of the element in my design, and the entire thing was coated in layers of HSWC, TTAN, and DMND. Eventually, the BMTL grew to be the size of the structure its self!
I have tried this in other scenarios, and it also happens. Could anyone explain to me why this is?
It is a problem that seems to cause issues with my save.
I think that what happens is that fusion now makes molten BRMT, which can then be cooled to yield BMTL. It used to produce SING instead. (which I still prefer)
Iron is the heaviest atom that can be formed in a star I think...