please mix powder toy (the perfect game) with biology in the new v.
for example :
deferent types of blood.
alive creatures (viruses and bacteria )
deferent types of plant
and more...... thankes . can you make more space in the game in new version?
as i said like blood with all of its detailes , and habits
like microscopical creatures !!!!!
is it possible?
@umbrellacorporation (View Post)
These are not likely to be added to the game without good reasons. I'm pretty sure blood, hair skin etc. has been rejected many times. So more than one type of blood is almost certain not to go anywhere. Creatures more advanced than the kind that is already in the game (LIFE and STKM) is not possible, because they are moving solids. Different types of plants seems pointless, because they would all be almost exactly the same.
i am not talking about more advanced creatures!!!!
viruses and bacterias are in real life.
SOOO many things wrong with your first post. There are already suggestion threads for all the things you listed up there (let the flaming start here). Also, for anything to be accepted, there needs to be lots of details, lots of uses, and usually you have to mod it yourself before the mods simply plop it into the game. Furthermore, the window is small for a good reason... it prevents lag as your computer struggles to calculate movement of every pixel on the screen ever frame.
your right .....
have you got a suggestion to make powder toy a perfect biological game too?
@umbrellacorporation (View Post)
You could make a mod for it. Or get someone else to. That would be kinda cool.