Exotic Deuterium

  • Swordmaster
    29th Jul 2012 Member 5 Permalink


    Green deuterium?

    Yes, this is deuterium. You can go to the save yourself if you dont belive me. It seems that when you set the life of deuterium to 1000000000000 several things happen.

    A: it turns green

    2: It shrinks to half it's volume, which is wierd considering how high the life is.

    C: The deut no longer explodes on contact to neutrons/lightning/whatever else

    3: normal deuterium turns into RAINBOW SLUDGE when it comes into contact with it

    5: temp. and pressure no longer seem to affect it. in fact, it seems pretty much inter.

    This wierd deuterium can only be created through the console, or with the properties tool. I havent really tested it out much yet.

  • Michael238
    29th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @Swordmaster (View Post)

     I've done this before. It's pretty strange. I think of it as essentially anti-deuterium. Also, you can do a very similar thing with mercury, just with tmp instead of life.

  • Poorsoft
    29th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Pretty trippy. +1'ed your rep.

  • circovik
    29th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Also if you set the life to a minus number it can have similar properties to this.

  • ThunderSt
    29th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Strange... just strange. It turns into a different liquid only in certain life numbers, in the other ones it turns into simple high-life expanding and neut-reactive deut.


    Btw, try 2000000000000 life. Less blue deut particles will remain.


    Edit: apparently, you're wrong about the non-reactive part. When EDUT ('Exotic' Deuterium) receives neutrons generates pressure. Maybe people can use it in nuclear reactors, as pressure source..?


    This is what I mean:


     (It had been receiving neut for something like 25 seconds until I took the screen.. At the first moment, it goes 5+, but then lowers to 2.5 and stabilizes.)


    Deut's initial life: 2000000000000

    But while the reaction happens and after the neutron source is turned off deut's life is the following:



    That's all I guess.


  • boxmein
    29th Jul 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    That's awesome.
  • nmd
    29th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink


    I havent really tested it out much yet.


    well then, I guess its time for me to...


    Do Science!

    *goes to the lab with buckets of high-life deuterium *

  • ThunderSt
    29th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Forget my other post... the pressure was neutron's and deut auto-changes its life to negatives, right after unpausing.


    Hmm.. Are we in the presence of a 'dmnd' liquid. I mean, it doesn't react or anything..

    It's good, since theres alearedy a 'dmnd' powder (EQVE, use E key to open the elements menu to search (Element Menu... the secret of the misterious secret element saves publishers...), or use /set type * **)


  • Pilihp64
    29th Jul 2012 Developer 0 Permalink

    This is because it goes negative...

    NEUT reactivity is based on life, negative life means no extra neutrons or pressure (some deut will still change into neutrons)


    GLOW is pretty much an indestructable liquid (not totally), and this is just a console created effect.  The odd colors is probably more of a glitch and can be fixed.

  • nmd
    29th Jul 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @ThunderSt (View Post)

     not really, since the deut and eqve both can be corroded by asid, eaten by sing, destroyed by dest, ect.