@HandicappedWalrus(View Post) That is what happens. Compressed elements are converted to black hole, since June 24, to be precise. [Commit] BUT energy particles don't black-hole-ify, also E-hole can compress. The max limit in-game is 5, in E-hole it's 1500.
Can you please add compression back in as a feature? Previously it was removed as a bug, as mandated, ALL bugs are removed (even fun ones to tinker with). But now how about adding it back in and declaring it a feature?
@Videogamer555(View Post) You can use EHOLE to increase the limit to 1500, or just stack up to 5. I did that once in a save. Also, energy particles, THDR, PLSM, and I think stickmen or maybe just FIGH are all stackable. It was used to create lag before, prevent people from drawing particles, and some other stuff jacksonmj said about how layered things may not act the same in the future.