It used to but now even if I'm logged in on my browser and click that, and then log in on TPT and click the open saves button, it does not automatically load the qued save. Instead it opens the save browser, just as if nothing was qued. Is this a bug or is it a new feature? Do I need to press some special combination of buttons now to get it to load a qued save?
I tried ctrl+i in TPT. Then I restarted both my browser (I use Firefox, not sure if it's a compatible browser or not) and TPT. Then I tried using the Open button on the TPT save webpage again. And I still keep getting this same error!
Sorry, but a good program should not need to depend on a SPECIFIC program. If a program depends on a browser, then it should work on ALL browsers. If it doesn't, then it is a broken brogram. PERIOD!
I guess all you TPT devs better figure out a how to interface it with Firefox. Try add some Firefox specific code to the code you already have for Chrome and IE, in both your TPT program and your online PHP scripts, in order that Firefox can be supported.
[update] And it doesn't work in chrome either. The open button refreshes the page as if I'd pressed the browser's refresh button.
@Videogamer555(View Post) That means it installed wrong. Maybe installing doesn't work on tpt++, I don't know because I still use my mod. It works in firefox, and all other browsers. Also, try this link: test