After looking at my old colour detector I realised that there is a lot I could still improve on, so I took my time and created a multi-functional camera. The camera has its own storage and display which can be quickly accesed by sparking a few buttons. There are 10 slots for images to be saved into however it is not neccesary to save the image. The light detector can detect 4 diffferent colours: Red, Green, Light blue and Dark blue. The display should be capable of displaying any combination of these colours.
To use it either press the "Take picture" button or select a location (number pad at the bottom) for it to be saved, then press the button. To display a saved image select a location adn press the display button. The display button may be a bit slow.
The camera is still a little bit buggy due to some errrors with the angle of refraction but most functions should work properly.
I would be grateful if you could suggest any improvements...