Calc Intstructions

  • Niven
    28th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    This thread is for this save:

    This thread is for any suggestions (but as there are <5 free wifi channels, the only suggestions that could actually be fulfilled are problem for checking for errors), to post any bugs you find, and also for me to give out instructions for using the two new buttons (ops and op)

    ops (operation set) - First off, this only works with adding and subtracting (like most features). This button sets an operation to be used with the op button. First, make sure that the calculator is cleared. Then hit the button and enter the operation to store (EX. +15 or -34). Finally, hit enter (the calculator should display 0 to confirm that everything went as planned. After that clear the calculator before doing something else.

    op (operation) - Again, it only works with adding and subtracting. This button performs the operation set by ops. First, enter the first number (the number that the operation is being done to). Then hit op and it will perform the operation then display the answer (you don't hit =). Unfortunately, right now, an operation can only be performed once and then the stored operation is kinda "messed up" (I may fix this later)

    Example of using these buttons would be hitting the following buttons in this order:
    (calc displays 18)

    Also it may be important to note that this calculator doesn't check for errors as well as some of my previous ones did. Also the calculator now stores the result of multiplication problems as well as add/sub so you can do 5*7 = 35+17 = 52-60 = -8; however, multiplication is still 1 digit so you can't use it with storing results (NO doing stuff like 5+6 = 11*5 = 55) and read the signs
  • Niven
    29th Oct 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    *Just bumping this since some people may need help with the op and ops buttons