Last date?
I have a bad feeling about this....
3 Things I have to say.
It's Dollars and should be "If you win"
How do I know that I'll recieve my payment (Say If I were to win)? You haven't mentioned any rules at all here mate except for rebuilding the tank. And forms of payment havent been discussed. Are you going to walk to Australia to pay me or Paypal it? For all I know this could be a total waste of my time and effort.
Lastly, why are you going to pay real-life money for a best design... for a game... seriously. You could give them in ingame prize insted of cash. Or you could keep it for yourself and buy a nice ice-cream or help pay bills of the house-hold.
I would have used the module for repair of components. The tank is built modularly, so repair is the replacement parts.
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