Hello everyone.This is my first upload to TPT. I know, it looks like I copied some things from others, but that's because I used a lot of good uploaders as an inspiration for my first try. Later on I will start making more original uploads. Anyway, any criticism is welcome on how to improve besides not having obvious copies of buildings from other uploads. (Yes, I prettty much copied this post from the description of my upload in TPT, but it's enough to get the point across.)
Haha, What I meant is that I maybe didn't copy buildings from one upload and pasted them to mine but more like some of my building designs are very similar or almost identical from uplo0ds like "city" by Tanatos or "desert city 1 (2, 3, 4, 5) by Dwotci. That's what I meant by using inspiration from other uploads. Besides that, Thanks for your response, didn't really expect it to be really good :)