Weapons show off!

  • nerdymidgetkid
    9th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Hey guys, I'm new to this site and honestly I'm a pretty crappy TPT engineer. I couldn't build a basic laser or a simple bomb to save my computer. (I tried making a plasma cannon once but ran in to a lot of problems with range, accuracy and power. At best I could get 3 secs out of it before I had to recharge :D) I was thinking that a great way to get aquainted with everyone and make me ashamed of my inadequesy would be to host a competition so that everyone else could show off to me what a real TPT user can do! Depending on how many people resond to this I may be doing several of these, but this first one will be for weapons.


    Rules: By a weapon, I do not mean a bomb. The only way I can think of to technically distinguish between them is that your weapon may not destroy itself completely. I will accept something that burns itself out after a while though, but just be reasonable.


    The point system works like this:


    a) Destructive power. How much damage can it do? /10


    b) Efficiency. Does it burn itself out? How much time does it take to blow stuff up? /5 


    c) Originaity and creativity. Anyone (but me) can make a tube with a clone in the middle that shoots photons.

    This will not be recieved well by me. /5


    Total points /20


    Now, if I knew what I was doing I would upload a series of levels to make sure everyone is testing their weapon against the same thing, but I don't so I can't. Instead, (at least until I can figure out how to use this site) you're going to have to make your own testing ground. Obviously, the harder it is to destroy the more points you can get for destructive power! This ties into creativity: you'll get more marks for making a bunker with working systems than a block of quartz.


    Good luck and have fun!

  • sandstorm
    9th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Deut shotgun. copy/paste bullets into chamber, hammer and trigger spark to fire. enjoy!

  • nerdymidgetkid
    9th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Looks great, but unfortunately I have no idea how to see it in action :D. I don't really get it: I've tried opening it with the powder toy already open and without and both times it tells me the internet can't display the webpage. How do I open it in the powder toy?


  • sandstorm
    9th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I have issues with that as well. type this into the search bar: saveid:760236.

    this will give you the save. also, here's another one: id# 760234

  • nerdymidgetkid
    9th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Ok thanks, now how do I open it in the powder toy so I can test it out? Do I click open, queue or download and are there any additional steps after that?

  • sandstorm
    9th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    in the search bar above the saves,in the simulation, there is a bar with a magnifying glass. type what I said above in there and you're off! if you internet is better,I believe it is the que button you press.

  • nerdymidgetkid
    9th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I tried typing in


    saveid:760236 but no joy. Are you sure it's still there?

  • cj646464
    9th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    No, its id:******

    Not save id, just id:

    You can also scroll over the save in the forum post, and it will say queue.  Press that, open tpt, hit either by date/vote, and it will take you to it.

    This is my best weapon.


  • greymatter
    9th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    This is my stongest non-bomb weapon so far. It fires photons at max to 7500C temperature. The photons are heated by LIFE and changed to red by FILT. I saved this in a jiffy so the target is bad. I'll make a better target during christmas vacations.


    Btw when is the last date?

    I suggest you keep the last date on 31-12-12 so there is lots of time for everyone and you can declare the results on 1-1-13.

  • Spock
    9th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    My only and best.