Underwater City Ideas

  • sandstorm
    19th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I need Ideas regarding an underwater city I am creating. this has no relations to any of the fp saves, as I have been working on this for months. 

    I have currently:

    -deslination plant

    -basic schematic (in regard to what parts go where, not built, but jotted down on paper)

    -any and all parts as seen on the submarine I last put up.


    I would like to make some smaller submarines, so if anybody has any ideas...

    I would like any suggestions to be completely destroyable.

    I also have a smelter for brmt, but it is difficult to work underwater, for obvious reasons, so if you think you could make that work...

    currently working on an underwater nuclear powerplant, as well as a geothermal.

    I would like ideas for what said city will export, as well as wether or not it should have an emersed portion.


    Plese make all suggestions possible to build with DESTROYABLE ELEMENTS

  • ClassiestMedic
    19th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I like how you put emphasis on 'destroyable'. All city saves should be 100% destroyable. Many times I'll save a FP city to my computer to test explosives on it, and I'll have to go into the console and set everything to maximum temperature, then blow all the lava away with air and shatter everything else, and see what remains. Then comes the painful task of modifying it to be totally and fully meltable, burnable, or otherwise not immortal, so to speak.


    I think you should have a pumping system for if there is a small leak! SPNG used to take care of problems like that, but now it only soaks up a certain amount of water D:

  • sandstorm
    19th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    well, you can "force" water into spnge using gel. I used that on this save I've been working on:

    How would I get the water out of the city? I could cut off portions of the flooded part with cnct...