Tiny 5 Bit Computer (mapS)

  • drakide
    21st Dec 2012 Member 12 Permalink

     mapS is the fourth SoC (System on Chip) developed by Rawing and me. It takes about 110 frames to process one instruction which makes it quite suitable for doing some computations in TPT.

    Some values:
    •   Variable Width       5 Bit
    •   RAM size               16 Variables
    •   Instruction width   18 Bit
    •   ROM size              128 instructions
    •   Input Ports            2
    •   Output Ports        1 hardware port, 16 virtual ports
    •   ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) serial, at 8 frames per bit
    •   unique instructions 10
    •   development start   July 2012
    I've opened this thread to give you an impression of what it is able to do and how to program it on your own. I've prepared an SDK together with Rawing to allow you to run your own creations on the mapS. The SDK requires GNU or some other UNIX like Operating System with installed Python 3.2. Even if you are using some other operating system you might want to get the SDK for the manual, which contains a lot more information about mapS.
    Get the SDK here. (Please note that the SDK is a work-in-progress and will probably be updated quite soon!)
    Want to see it in action?

    mapS hosting a "guess the number" demo


    Bugs & Limitations:

    • adder produces garbage on overflow
    • In the "guess the number" game, the XOR seems to fail occasionally. The exact reason is still unknown.
  • fireball5000
    21st Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    the computer is very slow at guessing ):

  • Pilihp64
    21st Dec 2012 Developer 0 Permalink

    That is very very cool.

    But the guess sometimes goes in the wrong direction, I'm guessing that is the XOR failing?

  • therocketeer
    21st Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink
    @drakide (View Post)
    It's beautiful, but I don't understand 99.87% of it :P I wish I did..
  • baizuo
    21st Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I don't know what to say, totally shocked.

    I love those shining beam especially, I'd always want to make some aray electronic thing myself.

    BTW I cannot understand 99.88% of it. :P



    ...So, you made a computer, then designed an assemble language for it, then coded a compiler for it, finally made an SDK for those?

    How old are you...actually...you're an expert to me.

  • drakide
    21st Dec 2012 Member 3 Permalink

    @cracker64 (View Post)

     We assume the same thing. As the list of known bugs tells we are not sure what is causing this behaviour.


    @baizuo (View Post)

    ...So, you made a computer, then designed an assemble language for it, then coded a compiler for it, finally made an SDK for those?


    Rawing is 20, I am 18 years old.

  • 0xFF
    21st Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Hmm. ?ould you save it at the moment of start? The computer is already working when I load it. It complicates debugging.

  • baizuo
    22nd Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    @drakide (View Post)

     I want to vote up twice for you

  • cylers
    22nd Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    i have this idea where one could have complicated tech of a save running in a background layer, almost like a save within a save, for things such as running out of room for really big projects... it could potentially give powder toy no limits on what could be done, and this seems like just the kind of thing it could be practically used with... given enough room, one could pheasably make a fullscreen GUI with this system in the background, things like text adventures and more complicated games would thrive.... i don't know just a heat of the moment idea

  • circovik
    22nd Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Pretty simple actually, it just chooses half of the available numbers (16 then 8 or 24 etc) until there is only 1 number left. The mech looks over-complicated to me.