The Labyrinth

  • cyberdragon
    30th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    I'm making a multi-save maze that will have each save appear to connect to the next. Only one problem...I ran out of ideas and parts after two saves. :( Please give suggestions for the rest of the parts, how many there should be, and an ending.





  • boxmein
    30th Dec 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    That's pretty neat! The transition was a lot smoother than expected as well...
    As for ideas, try some sort of fancy looking electric widget that actually does something simple. Like a Rube Goldberg machine.
  • cyberdragon
    30th Dec 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    Yes...irony...Part One is actually a continuation on an old save called Rube Goldberg Machine. I removed it's self-destruct and filled in the midddle with parts. Part Two is made of parts from other saves. (both have some new parts too) Also, part three has to start with steam and power. But I don't know how to discreetly replicate the sparatic steam particles and sparks from Part Two. Hmmm...