Totaly not out of ideas, but I want to know what people think is best I make next.
I haven't done:
A ship
A motor
Finished my calculator
A moving photon creation
A city (I've only made a town)
A car
A decient nuclear reactor or reactor
A rocket
A text display (photon life or aray actualy not that dificult with wifi)
A volcano
A glider
Heat art
Something compleately original (yup, so far I've been going through a list of things to do in tpt as if they're x-box achivements)
A quantum computer maybe? I tried to make a device similar to a calculator with photons and refraction/reflection but I didn't get very far on it.
A bio computer that uses lifeforms. :)
No, you insert a quarter ($0.25) and you are allowed to look through a binocular like device for a certain amount of time
make an exot factory