So i've found something interesting (maybe a bug , i can't tell) with deuterium.
When compressed deuterium meets superheated warp gas that is created from exotic matter in an enclosed space , something happens which causes the deuterium to replicate itself infinitly.
This can be used to create a deuterium "flamethrower" as it were , which seems to be able to destroy anything sentitive to heat because it produces a endless stream of near max temp deuterium.
I'm new to these forums and i have no idea how to post creations , so instead i'l post screenshots and you can try to reproduce it yourself.
The canon itself:
The canon firing:
Ah , thank you very much.
Just put electrons in the empty space for a few seconds , it should trigger the reaction.
Doesn't work for me, when I put ELEC in the empty space it just fires excited EXOT out of the hole.