I recently just finished what may be the largest save I have ever made. It is a multi-powered Plant. It uses PHOT in my solar panel farm. ISOZ in my large acid-powered battery. And it also uses deut to apply pressure onto a uranium rod, creating heat. This heats water in my new water chamber, where it is then cooled in something I call "The Bloodstream." It is GLOW that cycles contineuesly. This save contains many detections, using DTEC and TNSN, that control hazards like WATR dectection, overheating, and overload of WTVP.
I really hope you enjoy it. :)
Added a secondary cooling system using FRZZ and BRAY.
Nice work Hatter. I wish I could build stuff like that. But I just fail when building a city or powerplant. :'(
Yeah they all say that, but seriously, I first tried to make a little city a year ago, 3 down votes. A month ago I spent a week on one, 3 down votes.
I know and I understand. But you can't beat it.
I don't make saves to get on FP, I make them for admiration. Even though your saves were downvoted, they were still noticed. And additionally, that save increased your skillfulness of TPT. And maybe in the future, you will create an extremly good save that gets on FP.
And some tips, don't release saves until you see 1 or 2 saves on FP that aren't made by the "TPT Greats." I am really kicking myself for not yealding my own knowledge for my multi power plant. It's just that I was so excited that I had to release it. Now, it has 0 votes because some duche downvoted it.
Can't you just unpublish it and try again? That's what happened with my multicoloured laser, it took 3 tries to get 1 upvote, then when it did it got 86 more. :P