I haven't thought about it much, but what are the possibilities that TPT can contain a self replicating machine? now with new element creation capabilities more advanced than clone. If there is a boundless field, it may be possible. If there is an expert, I would like to hear from you.
This is not a creation, but a possible creation.
But we would need an idea on how to use the new elements to make a self-replicating machine, which would be a bit hard but not impossible
I thought about this a few days ago, no it is not possible, simply because CRAY (or any element) cannot set anything besides the type of the particle it creates. You could create a 'dummy' replica that doesn't function.
There are a few ways to set some ctypes of newly created CRAY, since it picks a ctype from nearby particles, but this still doesn't fix tmp for distance which would be required for precision. Not to mention temp of WIFI and tmp2 PSTN which all come very handy for machines.
what does adjusting tmp2 of piston do?
It is the max piston length it will extend, not entirely useful for automated functions, but very nice for user controlled ones.
Yes I suppose you would have to assume the new machine to have all of those element properties. To do it you would:
1)have a machine that reads a ROM
2)that machine scans through that ROM, which contains instructions to recreate itself
3)looping and copying that ROM into the new device
4)booting the new machine
it is completely possible, though, to make a factory to make smaller machines.
When will the elements be added to wiki?