I upvoted on your glass factory. I had made a glass factory a few weeks back but abandoned it half-made. i'll soon start on it again, inspired by your glass factory ;)
apparently your saves went un noticed because it looks like you are new to TPT. people tend to look at the saves of renowned TPT members much more often than members that they have never heard of. I had the same problem when i joined tpt(which isn't that long back). even now my some of my saves seem to be completely ignored.
Try republishing your saves once in a few days. this will increase the chances of someone looking at your save. If you feell that you made a good save, you can create a thread on the forums to increase it's popularity.
I had that problem too and then finally after a laser I made it got on fp and people looked at it and then saw that it was made by stickynote9 and looked at my other save if you make something really cool it will get on fp, especially if a moderator sees it.