Every once in a while a stray spark from boiler 2 sets the whole thing ablaze. I don't know what's wrong with the boiler. Can Anyone spot the problem? Is the spark from the furnace or is it coming through the portals? (note: you obviously have to turn it on, and possibly wait for a long time. Also don't turn heat off, I didn't.)
Edit: I saw it! It happened in boiler 3 but didn't cause an explosion. So, there's something causing the spark. (possibly the sparky water tank and it goes through the pipes) And something wrong with boiler 2 causing it to go through the framework.
ReEdit: Fixed it!
What was the problem?
firefreak...tip: Don't let the PSCN and NSCN touch PPIPE if it contains anything conductive or it may get energized. (oops, game glitch?) Boiler 2 had some missing insulation. But I fixed the electronics so it shouldn't get sparked even if you sink it with the engines on. However, I haven't actually tested this...I probably should do that.
Edit: CRRRAAAAAAP!!!...It exploded again! Back to square one. (It probably thinks it's the Hindenburg and likes to catch fire.) -_-
Oh no, the Titanic broke! Who would have possibly seen that coming? :)