Yep, that's right TPT Community! I, Omega Supreme, has made TPT's 1st True Teleportation Device.
It DOES NOT kill stickman and respawn him, it truely TELEPORTS him from one place to another!
You can even test this by erasing using this command in the console: !set type cray 0
I just have the Cray there to make the process look cooler, and while most would agree than the cray kills him in the process, the cray just helps make it look cooler.
Check out the Save and See How I did it!
Well, if you take Cray away, and spark the teleport button, it makes him disappear, and not turn to dust, then recreates him again at the new destination. But in the end, i guess it's up to the observer. I was just telling things from the experiment itself. And to be honest, I think it's the closest we'll ever get to teleportation wihtout using Portals, which makes it a breakthrough in itself. :D