Catelite Capsule

  • Fakenublet
    8th Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink


    Because of their small size, the Catelite spacecraft was "worn", not ridden. With only a couple of pixels for open space in the cabin, the spacecraft was just large enough to accomodate a single crew member. Inside where 7 controls, one for the hydrogen fuel cell, two for the aerodynamic control surfaces, one for pressurization of the cabib, one for the window panel and two for the deployment of the thin "titanium" parachute.


    The spacecraft is highly reminiscent of the american Apollo command module back in the late-1960's.


    The Catelite spacecraft is to be launched on the nearly-fnished Nova Rocket.




    Launch - pressurize the cockpit with the small PSCN in the upper right part inside the capsule and relax as the rocket brings you to orbit and activate the window filter (Just use your imagination!)


    In-Orbit - uncover the window filter and check if the aerodynamic control surfaces work


    Reentry - Simulate reentry using LOXY lit on fire with FAN being used to push it towards the heat shield, the heat shield MUST face the direction of the fire. Use your imagination to control the pitch of the capsule using the aerodynamic control surfaces.




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