Self-perpetuating fusion reaction

  • grinder
    9th Apr 2013 Member 1 Permalink

    Take EXOT and HYGN in a contained environment. Leave some open space, and bombard the EXOT with ELEC until it blows. Fusion ensues, up to and including CO2. Problem is after that, the whole area gets filled with various particles, including ELEC, NEUT and PHOT flying around. The mix still constantly undergoes even CO2 fusion for an indefinite time. Also, WARP is present even long after all the EXOT is gone.

    My idea is that ELEC and NEUT meet up, create HYGN which rapidlyundergoes all three stages of fusion, and the OXYG somehow gets burned, because you don't see much of it. 

    What puzzles me is what keeps WARP from disappearing after a while (like it happens when you create it) or what reaction creates it and whether it is a catalyst for the other stuff that's happening in there. I can only think it helps in the mixing of elements.

    And the whole reaction creates new particles until it reaches an equilibrium point You have to delete almost all of it, otherwise the whole area fills up again.

  • greymatter
    9th Apr 2013 Member 2 Permalink

    @grinder (View Post)

    It's infinite fusion. the elec and neut does combine to form hygn and repeat the fusion because it is a small area and the energy particles cannot escape out.I have also noticed that th warp gas remains there after the exot disappears completely as long as electrons are present.and having warp really help in mixing em'all together.

  • weekendgamer
    21st Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I've observed OXYG undergoing fusion if you make a core of CO2, surrounded by URAN, surrounded by VIBR, it fuses CO2 -> OXYG then OXYG -> BMTL. It also produces enough by-products to go self sustaining for a few cycles.

  • greymatter
    21st Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @weekendgamer (View Post)
    but oxygen doesn't fusionate in the way hydrogen,noble nad co2 does...
  • Potbelly
    21st Apr 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • greymatter
    21st Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink
    @Potbelly (View Post)
    fusionate. thats right :P easier than saying "it undergoes fusion"
  • weekendgamer
    21st Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    It needs gravity? So how would you explain the 13000+ degrees i saw?

  • belugawhale
    21st Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    At least 15 or 20. 

  • Potbelly
    21st Apr 2013 Banned 0 Permalink
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