I think it would be possible to make a proccesor out of filter that uses the properties of filter instead of just as a transport medium. Also, it should use photons since each photon could be routed indevidually. The electrical interfaces could be made using PCLN, STOR, CRAY, PSCN-NSCN, DTEC, exc. But most of the logic functions should be made using programmed filter and possibly liquid crystal. (exept memory which would have to use STOR) I have no idea how this would work though. Any ideas? NOTE: This would be a hybrid computer that processes digital data using analog methods (photon color).
EDIT: quartz and glass trap photons so could be used as connectors and memory
Bump...come on guys. Any ideas about how it could work?
Someone made PHOT transistors a while back, might be useful, although they are slower than regular transistors, another got PHOT to transfer data then used solar panels to process info using regular transistors.
EDIT: I've also made fiber optic cables before (serial cables?) that transmitted 6 bits per pixel wide. I'll see if i can still find them. . .
Here, it's i lost the 6 bit density so i made a 4 bit density
Also, to take full advantage of PHOT's properties, we'll need to think of a way to process in quaternary than in binary.
Coban was the one who made the phot transistors, it was on FP for a while
There was also someone else that used the temperature of phot to switch NSCN.
They are greatly improved if you change his diamond to heatswitch. And the Xor can be improved too by extending the heat connections.