Optical Processor

  • cyberdragon
    14th Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    I think it would be possible to make a proccesor out of filter that uses the properties of filter instead of just as a transport medium. Also, it should use photons since each photon could be routed indevidually. The electrical interfaces could be made using PCLN, STOR, CRAY, PSCN-NSCN, DTEC, exc. But most of the logic functions should be made using programmed filter and possibly liquid crystal. (exept memory which would have to use STOR) I have no idea how this would work though. Any ideas? NOTE: This would be a hybrid computer that processes digital data using analog methods (photon color).


    EDIT: quartz and glass trap photons so could be used as connectors and memory




  • cyberdragon
    18th Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Bump...come on guys. Any ideas about how it could work?

  • weekendgamer
    20th Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Someone made PHOT transistors a while back, might be useful, although they are slower than regular transistors, another got PHOT to transfer data then used solar panels to process info using regular transistors.


    EDIT: I've also made fiber optic cables before (serial cables?) that transmitted 6 bits per pixel wide. I'll see if i can still find them. . .


    Here, it's i lost the 6 bit density so i made a 4 bit density



    Also, to take full advantage of PHOT's properties, we'll need to think of a way to process in quaternary than in binary.

  • weekendgamer
    21st Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    Coban was the one who made the phot transistors, it was on FP for a while



    There was also someone else that used the temperature of phot to switch NSCN.

  • cyberdragon
    22nd Apr 2013 Member 0 Permalink

    They are greatly improved if you change his diamond to heatswitch. And the Xor can be improved too by extending the heat connections.