It's the most compact and strongest two-mode one-use battery I created, in comparison to my prototype batteries. I was too lazy to count how long it lasts (approximately) because it lasts so long... Any help is welcome. I used a counter to do my dirty work (It's a modified version of theguitarguy's Counter v2) and actually managed to count how many sparks it produces.
Cyan charge: OVER 4200 sparks!
Darkening Blue charge: 800 sparks
Total: More than 5000 sparks, or approximately 10 minutes!
It is the first battery to produce more than 5000 sparks with less than 300 pixels!
Id: 1188000
I wonder if there are any other batteries as compact/powerful as this one?
Check out my battery. It is really small and it is as fast, powerful, and compact as possible. Save ID is: 1188877
True, true, but does it really run out? I mean, Nd Ice Batteries are close to real modern batteries (which do run out).
My battery lasts 20 mins and dosent waste power when nothing is attached to it:
EDIT:Now lasts 200 minutes - Up to 80000 sprk