1. Copy iito's snake. His way of making a soak snake doesn't work anymore, probably will never work anymore.
2. Place into new document (blank save)
3. Place STKM on the lowest soap particle
4. Use CTRL + NONE to delete the SPWN particle.
5. ???
6> Profit
this didnt work...
And how do you attach gasses to the snakes?
I mananged to make some GAS attatch to SOAP.
Linking is a bit odd when saving, there are three extra SOAP particles that link to the main three SOAP, or else the graphical lines won't show when loaded (although still linked to the GAS). You can delete the GAS and it will link to the next particles you spawn.
You can attach anything to SOAP... I can write some detailed instructions if you really want.
Yea make some instructions I also want to do this.