Forward Note:
Leave Credit to Scottcowling14 if you use in your designs: Thankyou
Simple battery that has 20 mins battery life.
When not in use the power time left does not go down. for power to go down the spark must go from the top through your electronic before returning to the base of the battery. otherwise it never runs out.
Specifications (for those who want to make a design to use it in):
Size: height = 29px | width = 7px
Type: _Mock_ Duracell AA Plus
Technology: _Mock_ Li-Ion Technology (water based)
Life: 20 minutes of use (realtime), dosent waste energy if idle
Destroyable: mostly except 2px
Sparks produced: upto 25000 -{testing this)
Lifetime: 200 real minutes
Rechargable: No
Decoration: used (slight 3D effect)
Current Version: Beta
Notes: In order for power to be used a spark MUST return to the base of the battery. this is so it dosent waste power doing nothing.
Zoomed image (low res: Sorry!)
Diagram of Usage:
Save ID: 1193969
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Yesterday @ 08:36 -Standard version Completed
Yesterday @ 17:40 -Found short ciruit bug - bug ID:001
Yesterday @ 18:00 -Fixed bug | battery short circuiting
Yesterday @ 18:12 -Added Decoration
Yesterday @ 18:28 -Finished adding information to presentation save
Yesterday @ 18:34 -Upgraded internals to produce faster spark speed
Yesterday @ 18:40 -Noticed severe heat bug (due to water based system internals) - bug ID:002
Yesterday @ 18:55 -Fixed severe heat bug
Yesterday @ 19:01 -Beta test discovery: rumoured EMP proof (I have not tested this!) - Betadiscovery ID:001
Yesterday @ 20:06 -Noticed batteries look like their wobbling in view 4 due to spark - Bug ID:003
Yesterday @ 20:17 -Fixed wobble bug
Yesterday @ 20:20 -Replaced standard metals with well spaced gold for reduced glow
Yesterday @ 20:21 -No longer breakable bug - Bug ID:004
Yesterday @ 21:27 -Completed documentation and published link
Today @ 04:03 -Water Boiling bug discovered Bug ID:005
Today @ 10:15 -Fixed bug (awaiting beta test results
V3.0.0.0 Beta-
now lasts for up to 200 minutes
(25000) sparks
For the moment i am done with the double AA version of my batteries
NEW RELEASE: Button size version ( works the same way )
V1.0.0.0 Beta-
Today @10:20 -Created the basic startup version of the button battery
Today @10:33 -Added decoration
Today @10:37 -Added button battery to a second example
Good to here someone likes the sound of it. Ive finished producing it but with batteries its hard to iron out the flaws. Especially considering the fact that to notice some bugs you have to run it for a long period of time.
I will. just found another bug so im going to say withing the next couple of hours it will be on the TPT server.
If you want i will message you the save ID when its ready.
EDIT: Really . Thanks for letting me know. I think this battery will be useful for a lot of TPT members
Im so glad to hear that you like it. i really appreciate all the attention my work is picking up!
Its been up less than 1 hour and approaching 100 views!
EDIT: check out my server resources im putting up: documentation etc. will be there soon.
Um...the water boiled. No, I will not turn heat off. Fix it!