yikes. i can't describe how much I dislike these. look to ther saves to see a better example.
here's mine:
The utter size for one...
You're bomb is huge, with little explosive force compared to what could be achieved with Sandstorms bomb.
You can Condense DEUT so it starts glowing and that increases its nuclear payload alot, URAN/PLUT are pretty lousy when it comes to explosives, not enough yield in my opinion.
WOOD has a slow burn and the majority of your explosive force will be lost within the frames it has to burn through the wood.
Really bombs are all about efficiency, you want the maximum yield from the least amount of materials available.
Less than 300 pixels (298 pixels, to be exact), mass destruction. The bomb is three staged.
1. Busts a hole into the target. Quickest stage. The construction of this stage is destroyed a frame later.
2. Releases main fusion bomb.
3. If target survives, mercury blast is released. Longest stage. It looks endless, although it DOES end.
You are able to toy around with the first stage's power by changing the CRAY's tmp through console.
Use a thin layer of METL usually 1 or 2 pixels thick.
from my experience a thin layer of METL in a light DEUT nuke melts and is used as high speed shrapnel fairly quickly (Under a second, somewhere in 1-20 Frames?..)
I would also recommend cooling DEUT, it will start glowing and condensing, this usually makes it alot more powerful once you detonate it with NEUT and whatnot.
EDIT: The condensed DEUT can also be done with console but you'll have to find that somewhere, I don't know the command.